Karvil 6.25/Karvil 12.5/Karvil 25

Karvil 6.25/Karvil 12.5/Karvil 25





Concise Prescribing Info
Management of essential HTN & angina pectoris. As adjunct to standard therapy in symptomatic heart failure.
Dosage/Direction for Use
HTN Initially 6.25 mg bid for 7-14 days, then increase to 12.5 mg bid. May further increase, if necessary, at intervals of at least 2 wk, to 50 mg once daily or in divided doses. Elderly 12.5 mg once daily. Heart failure Initially 3.125 mg bid. If tolerated, increase after 2 wk to 6.25 mg bid. Gradually increase at intervals of not <2 wk to max dose. Patient w/ mild to moderate heart failure weighing >85 kg Max dose: 50 mg bid, severe heart failure or weighing <85 kg Max dose: 25 mg bid. Angina pectoris Initially 12.5 mg bid. Increase after 2 days to 25 mg bid. Left ventricular dysfunction following MI Initially 6.25 mg bid. If tolerated, increase after 3-10 days to 12.5 mg bid & then to a target dose of 25 mg bid.
Should be taken with food.
Hypersensitivity. Bronchospasm, asthma or history of obstructive airways disease. Metabolic acidosis, cardiogenic shock, hypotension, severe peripheral arterial disease, sinus bradycardia & 2nd- or 3rd-degree AV block. Hepatic impairment.
Special Precautions
May mask the symptoms of hyperthyroidism & hypoglycemia; unmask myasthenia gravis. Psoriasis may be aggravated. Prinzmetal's angina, history of anaphylaxis to an antigen. Diffuse vascular disease. Avoid abrupt withdrawal & long-term treatment. Hepatic & renal impairment. Pregnancy & lactation.
Adverse Reactions
Postural hypotension, dizziness, headache; dyspnea, bronchospasm, bradycardia, malaise & asthenia. Hyperuricemia, hypoglycemia, hyponatremia, increased alkaline phosphatase, glycosuria, somnolence, impotence, abnormal renal function & albuminuria.
Drug Interactions
May potentiate hypotensive effects w/ general anesth eg, ether, cyclopropane & trichloroethylene. May precipitate bradycardia & heart block w/ antiarrhythmic drugs & other drugs affecting cardiac conduction. Reduced plasma conc w/ rifampicin. Increased plasma conc w/ fluoxetine, digoxin & cyclosporin. Enhanced antihypertensive effect w/ other antihypertensive drugs. Potentiate severe orthostatic hypotension following initial dose of prazosin. Exacerbate rebound HTN following withdrawal of clonidine. Hypotension, bradycardia, conduction defect & heart failure in concomitant use w/ Ca channel blockers.
MIMS Class
ATC Classification
C07AG02 - carvedilol ; Belongs to the class of alpha and beta blocking agents. Used in the treatment of cardiovascular diseases.
Karvil 12.5 tab 12.5 mg
15's (P172.5/pack)
Karvil 25 tab 25 mg
30's (P480/box)
Karvil 6.25 tab 6.25 mg
15's (P157.5/pack)
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